When are you most awake?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coffee Mugs And Procrastination

I'm back, I'm bored, and I'm ready to type.
I just wasted my entire day doing absolutely nothing except watch television, eat like a pig, and start five math problems out of forty-five, which are due on Tuesday. And now, when I could be doing something productive, like homework, i'm sitting here complaining to my reader(s). So how was your break so far? and no, i'm not being ironic, I genuinely want to know.
On a happier note, I made myself a supremely awesome smoothie using blueberries, yogurt, and pink lemonade. It's kind of purple-y. And, i am drinking it in my Central Perk coffee mug that I made in Tech Ed about the awesomely superlative show Friends. Which I watched many times during my television binge this afternoon.
Hey, that reminds me (i don't know how or why), I completely forgot to do my French homework. Let's study:

Jeans- Un Jean
Hello- Salut
Lettuce- Une Salade
Dress- Un Robe
Red- Rouge

That's enough random boringness for tonight. See ya when I do,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Oh, wow. Are teachers actually trying to work us to death, piling on assignment after meaningless assignment? Sometimes I wonder. My homework this weekend included:

  • Science project
  • 38 math questions
  • Study for history SOL
  • French sentences (which she never checks, but still)

So, yeah. I stand by my 'wow'.

You know what? This was about me complaining my head off, but now I realize: every busy teenager trying to develop and keep a social life is constantly under this kind of workload. I don't think the teachers know that other teachers give us the same amount of work, or that we have friends and extracurriculars.

Well, this had been pretty much a huge gripe session for me. Thanks for tuning in, those of you who made it this far. :-)

Bye for tonight,


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer Job

Hey bloggerland,

Summer's coming up, which I've been waiting for since the second day of school. Long overdue for a break, right? Only problem is, the only job i'm old enough for is babysitting.

Oh, the joys of watching small children for long hours. i swear, it's like being a part-time parent. I mean, some kids are cute and funny and stuff, but others are just demanding. If the kids' mom leaves them a dinner, is it reasonable to ask the sitter to make a completely different meal because the food the mom left was "yucky"? It's reasonable in 6-year-old world, i guess.

I wish I could work at Borders.

That's all for now,